Electronic notification procedure

Residential and care services can use the PfAD.wtg electronic notification procedure to comply with their duty of notification enshrined in the NRW Housing and Participation Act (WTG). This is intended to ensure that the authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia have an overview of the care services available in their region and can fulfill their supervisory duties.

The PfAD.wtg administrative procedure was developed on behalf of d-NRW AöR for the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs in NRW.

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Screenshot von Startbildschirm PfAD.wgt Mockup Bildschirm
Screenshot von Ansicht Platzmeldung PfAD.wgt Mockup Bildschirm

Implementation and objective

According to the NRW Housing and Participation Act, service providers are subject to a duty of notification upon commencement of operation, as well as a duty to update. Full inpatient long-term care facilities and solitary short-term care facilities must report their free short-term and long-term care places on a daily basis.

All notifications are made completely digitally and without media discontinuity via PfAD.wtg. The system supports the official quality assurance of the facilities.

The aim is to create and maintain a central and, above all, continuously updated database of residential and care services.

Open Source and

Open Data Interface

The components, modules and libraries used in the PfAD.wtg administrative procedure are exclusively open source-based, according to the credo of 'public money, public code'.

Information on free short-term and long-term care places in care facilities is made available to the general public via an open data interface.

As part of the IT solution, Heimfinder NRW (Home Finder) uses this interface to publish the information. This enables citizens to search for available care places in NRW quickly and easily.

Screenshot von Ansicht Leistungsangebote PfAD.wgt Mockup Bildschirm

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