The Wirtschafts-Service-Portal.NRW (WSP.NRW) is the central access gateway for businesses in NRW and bundles OZG services for them in order to offer them without media discontinuity. At the same time, WSP.NRW is the single point of contact and single authority in accordance with Sections 71ff. of the VwVfG.
The WSP.NRW is being developed and implemented on behalf of d-NRW AöR. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIKE) acts as the user.
Our services:
WSP.NRW enables citizens, tradespeople and companies in NRW to apply for administrative services online simply, quickly and intuitively.
For example, you can set up a company from your sofa in just 15 minutes: This is because all relevant administrative procedures can be viewed in a kind of shopping cart before submitting an application and required documents can be uploaded directly.
The seamless communication between the responsible authority and the applicant makes administrative procedures and paper forms obsolete. This strengthens trust in digital administration.
The once-only principle saves users valuable time, as they only have to enter data once and the system can then use it automatically.
In the future, evidence can be requested once via WSP.NRW and then used for various administrative procedures.
Thanks to the user-friendly menu navigation, users can reach the desired online service with just three clicks. In addition, the central search function on the homepage makes it easier to find relevant online services quickly.
The AI-based start-up assistant supports citizens in a dialog process to compile the appropriate online applications for business registration. The free text search in the assistant is AI-based so that users can make flexible and colloquial entries and thus find the correct economic sector for the business registration.
The achievement of user goals is regularly checked via surveys. The results lead to optimized processes and technical adjustments, among other things. This also includes improving text quality in collaboration with specialists.
The Wirtschafts-Service-Portal.NRW is a good example of a combination of several solutions. In addition to the continuously optimized user approach, the forms are based on our form management system solution. The digitization roadmap process model plays a major role here, enabling nationwide shared use in line with the EfA principle (“one-for-all”).
Thanks to this professional and technical approach, we are particularly pleased that our reference project won first place in two categories in the 20th eGovernment competition. These two categories of the competition, which is under the patronage of the Federal Chancellery, are “Best OZG implementation or register modernization project” and “Audience Award 2021”.