Pflegewegweiser NRW

The Pflegewegweiser NRW (Care Guide) portal helps people in need of care and their relatives to find comprehensive information on assistance and care services in North Rhine-Westphalia. The abundance of counseling services is often confusing and makes it difficult to find the right contact person.

The NRW Pflegewegweiser is funded by the NRW Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs, the state associations of care insurance funds in NRW and the Association of Private Health Insurers (PKV). The sponsor is VConsumer advice center North Rhine-Westphalia.

Our services:

Bildschirm Mockup des Portals Pflegewegweiser NRW mit Screenshot der Startseite
Bildschirm Mockup des Portals Pflegewegweiser NRW mit Screenshot der Suchseite

The central source

of information

For the first time in NRW, the Pflegewegweiser provides a central portal with a wide range of information on care issues. This enables people seeking advice to search for suitable advice centers or contact offices.

The Pflegewegweiser portal also provides information and current articles on the subject of care. It also offers various contact options for personal advice.

Achievements and developments

The portal is currently being brought up to date technically (Drupal 11), the efficiency and maintainability of the platform further increased and the user-friendliness in the backend optimized. This makes the system even more intuitive and efficient to use and simplifies and speeds up work processes.

History of developments:

  • 2021 / 2022: Contact channels were further expanded and a new, contemporary design was developed and implemented.

  • 2020: Simplification of databases and analysis as well as technical adaptation for search engine optimization (SEO).

  • 2019: Expansion of the information portal with communication functions. Integration of employees from advice centers and contact offices in workflows and their ability to maintain content.

  • 2017: publicplan is responsible for the design and technical implementation, as well as the creation and integration of 3 databases (care advice, care self-help, household-related services).

Bildschirm Mockup des Portals Pflegewegweiser NRW mit Screenshot der Startseite mit Kontaktmöglichkeiten

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